Clinics and Services

Clinics and Services

We provide a range of services and clinics.

All newly registered patients over the age of 40 are encouraged to see a member of the nursing team for a brief medical check and discussion regarding their health.

ALBRAM Surgeries Car Scheme

ALBRAM Surgeries Car Scheme exists to help those patients registered with Alconbury or Brampton Surgeries who cannot, whether temporarily or permanently, make their own way to medically-related appointments. Click here to Learn More

Annual Health Review

What are long term conditions?

The practice already invites certain groups of patients in for an annual review of their conditions.

This includes patients who have:

  • Respiratory conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Kidney disease
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Epilepsy

What we do
As your GP surgery we play a significant role in managing your long-term condition. We believe in working with you and specialists in the community to provide holistic, personal, and high-quality care.

Long term conditions or chronic diseases are conditions for which there is currently no cure, and that are managed with drugs and other treatments.

All patients with a long-term condition should have an annual review (or ‘health MOT’). This could involve one single appointment or multiple appointments depending on which long term condition(s) you have. If a blood test or blood pressure check is required, you will be booked with a Health Care Assistant, if further checks are needed, these will be booked with either a nurse/GP/Advanced Nurse practitioner depending on the type of consultation you need.

Your medical history and medications will be reviewed at your appointment and together we will consider how we may improve your health/management of your long term condition. This may include health advice, medication changes or referrals to a community service.

Adolescent (teenager) Service


All asthma sufferers require an annual asthma review. If you think you are due a review please call into reception to book an appointment with one of our qualified nurses. Alternatively you may be contacted by one of our team to book in for your review as requested by your GP.

Cervical Smear Tests

Routine smears are normally taken by a practice nurse and you should receive a letter reminding you when your smear is due. Please call into reception to book in for your smear test.

Be aware that you are entitled to a chaperone should you request one. You can request one ahead of time or the nurse will ask you when you arrive at your appointment. Click on the link below to find out what to expect from you appointment.

Further information about cervical screening from NHS UK.

Coil / IUD Fitting

Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with the GP.

Information about contraceptive implants.

Information about coils.

Where to get an IUD

You can get the IUD for free, even if you’re under 16, from:

  • contraception clinics
  • sexual health or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics
  • GP surgeries
  • some young people’s services

Find your nearest sexual health clinic.


Two of our senior GP’s and lead nurse are able to carry out cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is used to treat many abnormal areas of skin (legions)

This includes non-cancerous (benign) lesions. It is most commonly used to remove areas of sun-damaged skin found predominantly on sun-exposed parts of the body. It is also used to treat viral warts, seborrhoeic
keratoses, and other benign lesions.

Liquid Nitrogen (most commonly used) is used to freeze and destroy and skin legions it comes into contact with.

Across Alconbury & Brampton Surgeries’ our qualified members of staff run a fortnightly clinics. Patients will be referred for cryotherapy if required and can call their surgery to book an appointment.

Dementia / Delirium Clinics & Community Support

Brampton Dementia Friendly Community

The Brampton Dementia Friendly Activities group run a number of activities in the community that are open to both our Brampton and Alconbury patients. See a list of activities below and visit their website for more details and for contact information.

The Reconnect Social Group

First Wednesday of every month 10.30am – 12.30pm for a chat, cakes and a cuppa.

Love to Move

Seated movement to music and a cuppa

every Wednesday (Except the fist of the month) 10.30am – 12.15pm

Singing Together

Held at Montague House Care Home 6pm – 7.15pm. Usually the first Tuesday of every month but contact organiser for exact dates.

The Thursday Club

Provides professional care in a safe and friendly environment to enable carers a day of respite.

Third Thursday of every month 9.30am – 3.30pm

Dementia UK

Here you will find plenty of advice and support. On their front page you will also find links to book virtual and telephone appointments in order to speak to a specialist Dementia Nurse.

Tide together in dementia everyday

Tide are an organisation that bring together carers and former carers of people with dementia. They hold various events and there are online provide online forums for people to connect.

Dementia Adventure

Dementia Adventure offer small-group holidays and individually-tailored breaks for people living with dementia and the people who care for them. They can offer practical, emotional, or financial support.

NICE- Dementia – discussing and planning support after diagnosis

NICE provide a guide for people diagnosed with dementia and their family and carers. They provide information about what steps to expect and the help and support you can access.

Living with young onset dementia

Dementia UK are asking people to register and join Dementia Research.

Once joined you will be matched to suitable studies that are being carried out across the country. You will be given information and you decide if you would like to take part.

Anyone can join, if you care for someone that has been diagnosed, you are the person that has received a diagnosis, or are a health professional, you could help support this nation wide campaigne.


Diabetic patients will be asked to attend an annual diabetic review with one of our specialist nurses.

What to expect

You will need to attend two appointments. Your first appointment will be with one of our HCA’s who will take a blood sample and record your blood pressure reading. You will also be asked to provide a urine sample at this appointment for testing.

A week later you will attend a second appointment with the specialist nurse to discuss these results and carry out a diabetic foot check. For more information on what to expect at your annual foot check visit Diabetes UK Care. Connect. Campaign. Depending on the outcome of your appointment adjustments may need to be made to your medication by one of our GP’s.

Please note that prior to your annual review it will be helpful if you also have an eye examination done. The nurse will be able to review these results along with the tests you have had at the surgery.

Useful information about Diabetes, testing, management, foot care and other information visit please visit Diabetes UK or NHS UK diabetes

Family Planning

All forms of contraception (including EMERGENCY contraception) can be provided by the doctors and practice nurses who have been fully trained by the Family Planning Association.

If necessary, ask for an emergency appointment.

Flu Clinic

Please support our ongoing delivery of these services by attending the Surgery for your vaccination.

Flu Vaccination is available to:

All registered patients aged 65 and over

Patients Who Suffer From:

  • Chronic respiratory disease,
  • Asthma,
  • Chronic renal disease,
  • Chronic liver disease,
  • Chronic neurological disease,
  • Diabetes,
  • Heart disease,
  • Immunosuppression.

Also Patients Who Are:

  • Pregnant,
  • Live in long stay residential care homes,
  • Work in a healthcare setting,
  • or who are Carers.

Should we have a surplus, we will be happy to vaccinate non-priority registered patients at a later date.

Health and Wellbeing Coaching

Health and Well Being Coaching

We are have other new services with our Health & Well Being Coaches are, Naomi Gollins and Gary Heath.

More information can be seen below.

Weight Management

Health and Wellbeing Coaches (HWBCs) predominately use health coaching skills to support people to develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become active participants in their own care, this allows people to reach their own health and wellbeing goals.

What do we offer:

Diabetes Lifestyle Support – This is a programme aimed at pts diagnosed with Diabetes 2. Support with nutrition, exercise & maintaining changes.

Weight Management Programme – Pts with BMI of 30+ . Gives pts guidance on healthy eating, portion sizes, exercise & maintaining change in lifestyle.

Gym & Tonic – This is our own gym, based in Brampton, Tuesday afternoon. This is for pts who wish to make a start at getting fit or are recovering from illness/injury. Also, those who may feel too anxious about attending a normal gym or do not have the funds to afford one & do not fit the One Leisure criteria for concessions.

Chair Based Exercise class – This is held in Buckden Village Hall, every Wednesday morning. For the elderly to help maintain mobility, also for those people with poor mobility or recovering from illness/injury. We also have a Tea & Chat which follows the class for anyone to attend

Body Weight & Resistance Band Exercise Class – Every Friday morning in Eaton Socon. Many pts from our weight mgmt. & diabetes class find this a good starting place. All the exercises can be done at home, so it teaches them routines they can do for themselves. A great class for introduction to exercise & the movements can be adapted to suit individual needs.

Mental Wellbeing Workshop – a new 6-week programme to help pts with low level mental health, such as depression, anxiety & panic attacks. This is a group workshop for a maximum of 10 people. The content is based on lived experience & encourages pts to take part. The first course has just finished & initial results showed a drop in both depression & anxiety levels.

Pilates Brampton Institute Thursday’s 2.15 – 3.15pm.

Joanne Greenslade one of WCF’s social prescribers runs a weekly Pilates class suitable for patients who want to trial Pilates or those that want to get back into mainstream groups.

Good for pts who need to stretch & tone & maintain mobility. For any age with the only criteria being, that they must be able to transition from floor to standing with relative ease. Again, it is for those who cannot afford a private Pilates class or are too anxious to attend one.

If you are interested in joining the class please contact our Alconbury & Brampton Surgeries Social Prescriber Sallie Cochrane for a referral.

Some of the Local Services and Support Provided by the Team are:

Healthy You, is a free service for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough residents, looking to make changes to their lifestyle. Whether helping to stop smoking, lead a more active lifestyle, lose some weight, or simply take advantage of the NHS Health Checks.

The One Leisure Active Lifestyles team offers a wide range of sport and health related activities to promote a healthy population within the district. The team works closely with a number of partners to help provide these activities, such as young people’s holiday programmes, disability sports clubs and health walks.

Wellbeing Walks is a programme that consists of friendly group walks that can help you become and stay active around Huntingdonshire.

Specialist Exercise Classes. The One Leisure Active Lifestyles team offers numerous specialist exercise classes depending on people’s requirements.

Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and South Lincolnshire (CPSL) Mind is a mental health charity, that provides a range of services and projects to support recovery from mental health problems.

Change Grow Live is a Drug and Alcohol volunteer led and community-based service. It is free and requires no appointments. They offer support and advice for all aspects of Alcohol and Drug misuse.

Home Visits

If possible please try to telephone reception before 10:00 if you require a home visit.

You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too ill to visit the practice. Your GP will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide how urgently a visit is needed.

You can be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP. You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.

Maternity Care

An antenatal clinic is held weekly at each surgery with a midwife.

Postnatal examinations are carried out by appointment about six-eight weeks after confinement.

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see or speak to a doctor, clinical pharmacist or practice nurse at least once a year to review their regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip. You may also need blood tests to monitor your medication.  Failure to have a review could result in the GP stopping or reducing the medication currently being prescribed.

Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.

Please allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.

Menopausal Advice

A GP, nurse or pharmacist can give you advice and help with your menopause or perimenopause symptoms.

Help, support and information can be found at

Minor Surgery

These are carried out in the fully equipped treatment room after a consultation with a doctor.


As part of our extended services our registered patients are now able to book a face-to-face appointment with our first Contact Physiotherapist, Simon Margot, online. 

Simon can help with: 

The assessment, diagnosis and management options for patients who have a new muscle or joint problem and ongoing physiotherapy.

Simon will see you for new muscle & joint problems without seeing a GP first and can also arrange pain medication & onward treatment if needed. 

He can also help with: 

  • Joint/ muscle/ nerve/ ligament problems in any area of the body.  
  • Sports injuries, strains, work injuries, car accidents, growing pain, injury from falls, posture problems, and joint pain in pregnancy.  
  • Sciatica, tennis elbow, back pain, carpal tunnel, arthritis, foot problems e.g. bunions, plantar fasciitis.
  • Simon is highly skilled in administering steroid injections as an integral part of treatment plans.

Appointments will be available at:

  • Alconbury Surgery on a Monday all day
  • Alconbury Surgery on both Weds am & Thursday all day
  • Brampton Surgery on a Wednesday afternoon. 

You can book a direct face to face patient appointment with Simon by calling reception or with online booking via the NHS App or Patient Access

Social Prescribing

We are fortunate to be able to offer this new service to our patients.

Our Social Prescriber is Sallie Cochrane

Social prescribing is a way for local agencies to refer people to a link worker. Link workers give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me’ and taking a holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing. They connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.

NHS Social Prescribing Link Workers – YouTube

Here are the groups that A1 PCN patients are welcome to pop in and attend:

Talk Club for Men:Talk & Listen at Montague House, Keeling Lane, Brampton, Cambridgeshire, PE28 4BS

Talk Club is a mental fitness community for men. From peer to peer talking groups, to Talk & Move and Talk Club Therapy.

Thursday Making Memories at Buckden Village Hall. PE19 5UY 1.30-3.30pm.

For patients with memory concern, memory loss, waiting on memory assessment appointment and early diagnosis of dementia or similar conditions

Anyone can attend from the A1 PCN Surgeries – please ask to speak to the surgeries Social Prescriber for a referral

Chatty Café – day time

Every Wednesday 9:30-11:30am Notcutts, Brampton. PE28 4NF

The Chatty Café Scheme is the UK’s leading non-profit organisation tackling loneliness. They offer face to face meet ups with ‘Chatter & Natter’ tables, where customers can get together and chat and are hosted by Chatty Table Volunteers.

Anyone can attend – visit for more information or just turn up at Notcutts on the designated day.

Chatty Café – evening

Last Tuesday of each month 6-8pm The Family Hub, Brampton. PE28 4TD

For patients with anxiety, low level depression, loneliness and isolation, aged 18 plus.

Anyone can attend from the A1 PCN Surgeries – please ask to speak to the surgeries Social Prescriber for a referral

Brampton Toy Libray

The Family Hub, Unit 3, The Barns, 42 Thrapston Rd, Brampton, Huntingdon PE28 4TD

Call: 07795 243715 for more information and opening times

Anyone can attend – just turn up in opening hours

Coming Soon

Talk Club for men in Brampton

Befriending support in Alconbury

Some of the support available in the local area:

Care Network Cambridgeshire provide information and guidance, practical support to help people stay at home and to connect with or support their local community. Over the years, they have evolved from primarily supporting older people, to supporting anyone over the age of 18 years.

Caring Together is a Charity which provides Expert Support for Carers & Professional Home Care Services to people with a range of Disabilities in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk.

Cambridgeshire County Council. Find out about the council, the services and support it provides as a Local Authority.

Keep Your Head brings together reliable information on mental health and wellbeing for children, young people, adults, professionals, and schools across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.

Citizens Advice Cambridge is a local charity which provides free advice to meet the needs of our community. We’re here to help everyone who lives, works or studies in Cambridge or South Cambridgeshire.

Dementia Connect is the Alzheimer’s Society’s personalised support and advice service for anyone affected by dementia. It’s free, easy to access, and puts you in touch with Alzheimer’s Society’s dementia advisers.

Veteran Accredited Surgery

Our Surgery is proud to be able to support Armed Forces Veterans.

This means that as part of the Armed Forces Covenant, we have a dedicated clinician with specialist knowledge of military related Health conditions and Veteran specific health services. Ensuring our ex-forces get the best care and treatment available.

For more information on Armed Forces Veteran services click here

Child Health Surveillance Clinics

All children are invited to see the doctor for a health and development check at about 6 weeks.

Later checks are carried out by the health visitors and school nurses.

Childhood Immunisations

All children under five years of age are encouraged to have the recommended immunisations.

Appointments can be booked with the Nursing team at your convenience. Invitations are sent directly to the parents/guardians by the Health Authority and followed up by the Practice.

Learn More

Childhood Health

NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough has created a Guide to Childhood Illnesses for parents and carers across the area.

This guide covers everything parents and carers need to know about important subjects such as vaccinations, common ailments and issues, and where to go for help if your child has a medical issue.

Guide to Childhood Illnesses

We will call you to book your child’s immunisations when they are due. We work on information provide by Child Health please contact us if you don’t hear from us.

If you chose not to have your child vaccinated please let us know. You maybe interested to view the information about vaccinations on the guide below.

If You Choose Not to Vaccinate

Attached Services

The doctors and nursing teams offer a full range of services, which are made by appointment:

The surgery has the following attached services:

  • Health Visitor 
  • Midwife
  • District Nursing
  • Physiotherapy
  • Social Prescriber
  • Health and Wellbeing Coach
  •  Paramedic

Non-NHS Services

Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges.

Examples include the following:

  • Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.)
  • Insurance claim forms
  • Prescriptions for taking medication abroad
  • Fit to Fly Letters
  • DVLA reports
  • Subject Access Requests
  • To Whom in May Concern Letters

The fees charged are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales and our reception staff will be happy to advise you about them along with appointment availability. Private work does not take precedence over our routine practice work and therefore will be completed when time allows. Please allow at least four weeks when asking for any private work to be completed.

Please note all ‘To Whom it May Concern Letters’ also attract a fee. These should always be requested from reception and not during a consultation with the Doctor.

Payment in advance is required.  This can be by either bank transfer, cash or cheque.  Unfortunately, we do not currently accept debit/credit cards.

Jan 25 Update

Please note our NON-NHS Service Fees are currently under review and will be re-published in February 2025. If you have a query regarding our private fees then please contact reception for further information.

Foreign Travel Advice & Vaccinations

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you will need to make an appointment with a local travel clinic to have your needs assessed.

Once they have reviewed which countries you are visiting and determined what vaccinations are required then please book an appointment with our Practice Nurse for any NHS vaccinations needed.

The Practice is only able to provide NHS Travel Vaccinations.

There is further information about countries and vaccinations required on the links below

Europe Europe & RussiaNorth America North America
Central America Central AmericaSouth America & Antarctica South America & Antarctica
Caribbean CaribbeanAfrica Africa
Middle East Middle EastCentral Asia Central Asia
East Asia East AsiaAustralasia  Australasia and Pacific

Travelling in Europe 

If you are travelling to Europe the EU has published useful information for travellers on the European website.

Travel & Covid-19

There is a lot of advice and information on the website both in relation to Covid-19 and travel generally.

Please follow the link below

Foreign Travel Advice

NHS.UK Travel Vaccination 

If you’re planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against serious diseases found in other parts of the world.  For information please click the link below.

NHS Travel Vaccinations Overview